2015 Annual Training Conference & Anti-Fraud Expo

EHRs and the Fraud Potential (Room Seaport A)

18 Nov 15
3:25 PM - 4:25 PM

Tracks: Management Path, Transformation of Health Care

Electronic Health Records Systems (EHRs) are now used by the majority of practicing clinicians and hospitals. Currently, however, since there are no regulatory or "Certification" requirements that address their fitness for use as clinical or business records (or patient safety), EHRs are wildly variable in their ability to support or frustrate an investigator. Fortunately most organizations make a reasonable effort to use these systems properly but for those already disposed to fraud, they are a wealth of opportunities for taking advantage of any delays in payer attentiveness or adaptation. EHRs bring new tools and new challenges to the investigator, not the least being understanding and organizing greater volumes of complex data. This presentation will speed the adaptive investigator along the path to success in this new HCF landscape.