AAPEX 2015

Aftermarket Dynamics and the Road Ahead: 2016-2018 (Room The Venetian, Marco Polo 704-705)

The automotive aftermarket is projected to grow at a 5-year compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.6% through 2018, a rate slightly below the corresponding nominal rate of GDP growth of 4.4% for the U. S. economy through 2018. This session will assess current aftermarket trends, economic factors influencing consumer spending, shifts in technology and demographics, and how the interplay of these factors are likely to influence the aftermarket in the next three to five years .

Attendees will learn:

  • What the “aftermarket” data is telling us about today’s business.
  • How certain economic factors are influencing consumer spending.
  • What evolving technology and demographics could mean to the industry’s future.
  • How industry leaders can use these data to anticipate trends in tomorrow’s business.