AAPEX 2015

Gen Y Decoded: Insights and Tactics for Managers, Leaders and Coaches (Room The Venetian, Marco Polo 701-703)

04 Nov 15
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Management/Profitability

If you’ve thought that our youngest generation of employees, those between 18 – 35, is a new breed of worker, you’re not alone. Today’s teens and twenty-somethings are truly a different animal. Socio-cultural factors, such as the self-esteem movement and their use of technology, have contributed to a generation that literally thinks differently than other generations. They relate to others differently, too. New communication techniques, motivational techniques and different expectations are required.

Attendees will learn:

  • The unique psychology of this generation of workers.
  • Eight unexpected and immediately actionable strategies to bring out their best.
  • Insights on how to work with Gen Y in new, more effective ways.