AAPEX 2015

Will You be Able to Attract the Best Millennials to Your Sales Team? (Room The Venetian, Marco Polo 701-703)

03 Nov 15
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Sales/Marketing/Customer Service

Where are you finding the best people to add to your sales team? How competitive will you and your company look to them so they want to also choose you? The “Millennial” generation (Age 20 to 35) is likely your greatest opportunity to replace your retiring Baby Boomers. Learn the different motivations, interests and opportunities you and your company have as you replace Boomer’s with Millennials. Learn how a different leadership philosophy and approach can maximize the performance of your next generation sales team.

Attendees will learn:

  • If you understand the cultural difference you will understand how to motivate.
  • How to adjust your approach to sales management and coaching.
  • How to create the best motivational environment for both Boomers and Millennials on the same team.