Online Merchandising Workshop 2015

Beyond Retail: How Photojojo builds brand, trust and a loyal following (Room Palos Verdes 1-4)

Photojojo is a small but growing online business that’s more than just an e-commerce company selling gear to photographers. This app developing, content publishing, product designing and community building tech company is giving new meaning to retail.

From quirky-yet-informative product descriptions to cartoon dinosaurs that help you track your package -- it’s impossible to not have a delightful experience as a Photojojo customer.

Join us for a Photojojo snapshot, as their Chief Everything Officer and Art Director answer:

•  How Photojojo works delight into the most mundane areas of the online shopping experience.
•  The importance in doing things you can’t measure.
•  How a “do it yourself” workplace mentality combined with a small creative team can move mountains.
•  Why dinosaurs?
•  … and what’s coming next from the minds behind Photojojo.