Online Merchandising Workshop 2015


Jennifer Giese

Jennifer Giese
Photojojo & Zoomin

Photojojo began as a DIY photography Newsletter in 2006 and now reaches over 500k email subscribers and too-many-to-count social followers. Rather than building a business model around advertising it was one of the first to begin with content and move into commerce. Jen Giese (now President) joined the Photojojo team back in 2008 when the founder Amit Gupta was looking to grow its online shop. Back then compact digital cameras were making photography more accessible - like the iPhone today - but there were few products that catered to this curiosity. It was, and still is Photojojo’s mission to find them and share them with their fans. With a background in both brick and mortar retail as well as e-commerce Giese offers a unique perspective that values real life experiences and word of mouth over conversion rates. She thinks good business is built on the foundation of FUN and CREATIVITY and prefers to hire MFA’s instead of MBA’s. Over the past 7 years she’s done just about everything from buying, sourcing, product photography, marketing, biz dev, product design, hiring and customer service.

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