2017 Flavorcon

Trend Formers: 5 Macro Trends Transforming Food & Beverage (Room Grand Ballrooms D & E)

24 Oct 17
9:15 AM - 9:45 AM

Tracks: Keynote Session

While it's important to scan the horizon for the next hot superfood or ingredient, the ability to future-proof product
innovation is more impacted by macro trends that will fundamentally impact how we engage with food.

If your job involves developing insights, concepts, and/or formulating products, it’s likely your work today will hit the
market in the next 12-24 months. You are, literally, developing the future! In this presentation you’ll get a glimpse of

what that world looks like. These five macro trends that will intrigue and inspire you are as diverse as cellular
agriculture, intentional imperfection, and a glimpse into what the food world might look like in the "post-truth era."