ASPE 2016

Legionella: Compliance with ASHRAE 188 (Room 128 AB)

02 Nov 16
10:05 AM - 11:20 AM

Tracks: Hot Topics

Speaker(s): Tim Keane
The past 12 months have seen more focus on controlling Legionella in building water systems than the past 12 years. ASHRAE Standard 188: Legionellosis: Risk Management for Building Water Systems was published in June 2015. Multiple outbreaks in NYC resulted in new Legionella codes for New York State and New York City. A large community outbreak in Flint, Michigan drew even more national attention to this issue. The 2016 International Emerging Technology Symposium had a significant focus on Legionella in plumbing systems, and for the first time in the U.S., an independent conference at Emory University combined experts from microbiology, epidemiology, and engineering to discuss U.S. policy. ASHRAE 188 is an engineering standard that focuses on Legionella control, including the design and commissioning of building water plumbing systems. This presentation will update attendees on the information needed for those involved in plumbing system design and commissioning to comply with ASHRAE 188.