2017 Federal Identity Forum & Homeland Security

Behavioral Biometrics: Voice and Beyond (Room 146 A)

14 Sep 17
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Federal Identity Forum, Track C - Technology Advancement and Strategies

Recent attacks based on password/pin cracking, and fingerprint spoofing have exposed the weaknesses of relying solely on login-point user authentication mechanisms. Behavioral biometrics such as keystroke dynamics, mouse dynamics, touch dynamics, hand movements, cognitive fingerprints, and gait dynamics, are emerging as important tools to continuously and unobtrusively authenticate a user beyond the login point. In this session, four experts will present the state of the art in behavioral biometric authentication. Topics discussed in this session will also include current research findings in keystroke based behavioral biometrics, security of behavioral biometrics, privacy and energy constraints in mobile behavioral biometrics, and industry perspectives on adopting and implementing behavioral biometric solutions to authenticate online transactions. The panel will conclude with a discussion on open challenges and future directions in behavioral biometrics.