Wind Project Siting & Environ. Compliance 2018

POSTER: Habitat Conservation Plans and You

20 Mar 18
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Tracks: Permitting and Environmental Considerations, Poster Presentation

You find that you have one or more federally listed wildlife species and bald and/or golden eagles at your project site in the absence of another federal permitting nexus. Now what? If impacts to individuals are avoidable…development may proceed. If impacts are unavoidable…how does it affect the project? Both BEGPA and the ESA allow for private, non-federal entities to apply for an incidental (“non-purposeful”) take permit that protects the developer from the “prohibitions” of BGEPA and the ESA. This includes preparation of a habitat conservation plan(s) (HCP). But, which path is best? BGEPA or the ESA? Quick answer…it depends. Project location, regional importance of each species, and at times, public perception of the project and industry can all influence the permitting path chosen. This presentation provides considerations for multi-species HCP, and highlights the pros and cons of multiple species vs. singular species HCP.