HRE Health & Benefits Leadership Conference 2018

WL6 | Unleashing the Power of Mindfulness at EY (Room Starvine 11)

Companies are increasingly looking for ways to introduce mindfulness programs into the workplace. Yet, despite extensive evidence of the benefits of mindfulness-based practices, most corporations are struggling to build a business case to introduce mindfulness beyond wellness programs. Will mindfulness in the workplace prove to be another passing fad, or will it evolve as a key strategy to both transform the workforce of the future and become an integral component of corporate strategy? Based on their firsthand experiences rolling out mindfulness to more than 1,200 professionals, Tatyana Kovalchuk and Leonie Schell will share a framework for introducing a powerful and sustainable mindfulness-based program. They’ll show you how to secure long-term funding for such an initiative and how to successfully scale up mindfulness across borders.