2018 Virginia Fire + Rescue Conference

Rapid Intervention for the Understaffed Company (Room 1D)

24 Feb 18
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Tracks: Strategy and Tactics

Speaker(s): David Topczynski
The 3rd edition of this program focuses on the decision making of the RIT officer and training for firefighters who may find themselves on a short staffed RIT. The class is applicable to both volunteer and career firefighters, teaching students new approaches to common RIT tactics and techniques. The class is designed to help an understaffed rapid intervention team (2 to 4 firefighters) operate more efficiently on the fireground by teaching students how their decision-making must change when conducting a scene size-up, staging, selecting tools and equipment, searching for a downed member, and when removing downed firefighters. The class focuses on the training aspect of preparing for understaffed RIT operations by using videos and pictures of modified methods for firefighter removal to help illustrate the techniques to the students. Students will gain skills that they can take back to their own departments. The ultimate goal of this class is to help an understaffed RIT crew be efficient and successful during a mayday, regardless of their staffing levels.