2018 Virginia Fire + Rescue Conference

Results Through Embodied Leadership (Room 3B)

22 Feb 18
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Tracks: Leadership and Management Symposium (Day 1), Leadership and Management Symposium (Day 2)

Speaker(s): Croft Edwards
How many times have you been through leadership training or seminar but the next day couldn’t remember, let alone apply, any of the concepts to your real life? Today is a new day! Current challenging world and business environments require you, as a leader, to be clear on who you are and how you show up in the worlds you live in, and if necessary, make the changes to show up differently. In this highly participatory and skill building presentation, you will engage in activities and conversations about how you are currently showing up as a leader, and how to shift to BE the leader you want and need to be for your situation. As a result of this presentation you will be clearer on the practices that you as a leader need to undertake to BE the leader your organization requires. This session begins with a foundational understanding of what it means to BE a leader and why, how we as leaders BE is critical to the success of our teams and organizations. How we, as leaders show up; in our bodies, our moods and emotions, and how we use language, creates the results in ourselves and others. Results are the product of the leader we are. Key topics include: a generative definition of leadership and management and the difference between the two; what it means to embody leadership; an exploration of how you as a leader are currently showing up to your followers; understanding how your followers view and relate to you; exercises to begin practicing being the leader you aspire to become; and creating an awareness of how to center yourself as a leader.