FETC 2018

Organizational Change and Innovation (Room South 330CD)

25 Jan 18
4:20 PM - 5:00 PM

Tracks: Future of EdTech Administrator

Change is never easy or usually appreciated or readily accepted. With the ever-changing societal demands and educational products to aid in the learning process change however is a necessity as we innovate. The term, innovation, is derived from the Latin, innovatus, "to renew or change," from in- "into" + novus "new." In today's educational learning environments, to innovate is essential for survival; constantly evolving technologies and market dynamics ensure that stasis or inertia are certain to result in obsolescence. Organizational innovation requires leadership with a cultural orientation attuned to anticipating trends, generating and evaluating ideas, communicating solutions, and leadership dedicated to promoting, executing, and sustaining initiatives. This session will describe managerial concepts necessary to bring about desired changes and link them to the expectations of the modern learner.