FETC 2018

How Media Messages Impact Girls in Computer Science (Room North 220C)

25 Jan 18
12:00 PM - 12:40 PM

Tracks: Future of EdTech Educator

While girls make up 49% of American students, they make up only 19% of students taking AP Computer Science. Why is this? You might be surprised to learn it isn't about access or ability. It's about perception. Attend this dynamic, media-rich session to see how portrayals of women and computer science culture in TV, movies, videos, books, and even news articles create stereotypes that can either empower or discourage girls from taking computer science courses and pursuing computer science careers. In the process, you'll gain a better understanding the current state of girls' participation in computer science classes and clubs, how media consumption - and creation - inside and outside of school may be affecting this, and what steps you can take to positively impact girls' future access and participation.