HOW Design Live 2019

The Future Is Now: Spotting the Cracks (Room Lakeside Ballroom)

10 May 19
2:00 PM - 2:15 PM

The future is now. You better believe it — and that we can design it. Yeah, yeah, cue the eyeballs for another motivational talk-talk-talk, but this is far from it. We’re quick to find creative and strategic blindspots for our clients and partners. But we’re terrible at spotting our own breaking realities. We can’t build our own future, let alone help clients, if we don’t recognize our own blindspots. Fe will guide us through a crazy-fast, eye-opening, honest and possibly curse-laden talk that’ll leave you knowing HOW to tackle whatever it takes to find the cues to the future ahead of us, regardless of your zip code. Find out what questions to ask, what hints to look for and what we so often miss about using our imagination and creativity to our own problem-solving as designers.

3 Take-away’s

  1. we are not bulletproof to the future
  2. real humans win and realities never stop
  3. get out of the meanwhile