National Institute 2018

PRE 3 | Pre-Symposium: Special Education Administrators' Guide to Preventing and Managing Litigation (Room Coronado BCD)

22 Apr 18
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Tracks: Administration, IDEA

This full-day session designed to address the demands and responsibilities of the special education administrator is a must for district special education administrators at all levels. Analyze your district’s strengths and weaknesses in light of new case law and core standards focus. As new case law and Supreme Court decisions impact the legal standard for the determination of educational benefit and appropriate IEPs, special education administrators must predict and strategize practices and approaches for litigation management. Topics include developing of standards-based IEPs that outline goals and services for comprehensive programs that consider each student’s unique circumstances, predicting areas of legal vulnerability and strengthening them, decision-making tools for managing mediations that result in student-centered settlement agreements, and supporting staff during litigation.