World Tea Expo 2017

Yaupon, America's 'New,' Old Native Botanical (Room N237)

14 Jun 17
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Tracks: Non Tea - Botanicals

As the only naturally-caffeinated indigenous plant in North America, yaupon was brewed for centuries by Native Americans. And then...lost and forgotten. This enlightening session will explore the history, health properties, preparation and current state of Yaupon; a vibrant American resource blossoming into a booming botanical industry. Always a large consumer of caffeine, America has only recently rediscovered its ability to produce a viable and delicious domestic source with Yaupon. Join as we explore the growing interest in this fascinating, healthy and invigorating plant; an interesting journey of rediscovery of a largely forgotten beverage tradition and simultaneous modern innovation.