NTI Trade Show 2016

Communication Differences/Difficulties in the Workplace: How Gender & Culture Affect Us - Marie Arcidiacono (Room North Quad - Ehrlicher Room (3100))

01 Aug 16
2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Tracks: OM Group

Speaker(s): Marie Arcidiacono

Communication is an essential part of our everyday lives. We spend a large part of our day communicating with our friends, family, significant other, and colleagues. We are told time and time again that having strong oral and written communication skills are essential in the workplace. The question is, are we as skilled as we could be? Have you ever been in a difficult communication interaction and thought to yourself: "They just don't understand me and I just don't understand them!" If you have, you are not alone. Often times these difficulties in communication can be tied to cultural differences and gender differences amongst communicators.

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