NTI Trade Show 2016

Session 2: Drug Use: Signs and Effects on Worker Safety - Carl Schinner (Room Rackham, Amphitheatre)

04 Aug 16
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Tracks: C Group

Speaker(s): Carl Schinner

The misuse of prescription medication and the use of illicit drugs can manifest itself in various ways in the workplace. From pain management medication to heroin, and from methamphetamine to marihuana the misuse of drugs can create safety and liability issues. Having the knowledge to recognize how various classes of drugs cause the human body to react can prove to be a managerial game changer.  This class will take an in-depth look into various prescription and illicit drugs, the physiological affect it has on the human body and the associated paraphernalia an employer might notice in the workplace.

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