NTI Trade Show 2016

Session 1: Disruptive Technologies: Finding What Works - L. Joe Shorter, Ph.D. (Room Rackham, Assembly Hall)

02 Aug 16
2:45 PM - 4:15 PM

Tracks: C Group

Technology is driving our lives. What was once considered only in the imagination of sci-fi writers is being implemented on construction jobsites today. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is upon us. Disruptive Technology and Disruptive Innovation have become common terms to describe what is happening on a global basis. In the future, talent will represent the critical factor of production more so than capital. This new revolution could yield greater inequality with the potential to disrupt labor markets, replacing entire workforces with machines, but also resulting in a net increase in safety and creation of more rewarding jobs for traditional workers. By keeping up with technological innovations and disruptions in other industries, we may be able to glean some lessons and ideas for our own.

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