National Institute 2018

A7 | The Special Educator’s Role When Dealing With Police, Child Protective Services, and Divorced Parents (Room Cortez AB)

25 Apr 18
11:15 AM - 12:30 PM

Tracks: Administration

Referencing real-life scenarios and current case law, attorney Dianna Bowen will provide you the tools you need to understand the authority, the responsibility, and the appropriate response to police, child protective services, and divorced parents while protecting the rights of special education students. She’ll cover territory often unfamiliar to special educators, such as the right of police to remove a student with a disability from school, the scope of student searches, the duty to report suspected child abuse, the appointment of guardian ad litems, and the application of custody orders during IEP meetings. After this in-depth legal review, you’ll be prepared to make an informed decision when a serious issue arises on campus.