National Institute 2018

A5 | Testing Your IDEA Allowability Knowledge (Room Coronado A)

25 Apr 18
9:45 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: Administration

Welcome to your IDEA allowability test. Attorney Tiffany Winters Kesslar will literally test your IDEA allowability knowledge. You will have 10 minutes to complete a test of the IDEA allowability rules! For the remainder of the session, Kesslar will review the test and discuss the answers to questions such as: What can IDEA funds be used for? What are MOE allowable reductions? How are IDEA allocations made? What makes a cost reasonable? How can you ensure allocability of costs? Who has to keep time and effort records? How often must we inventory IDEA equipment? Come and enjoy this interactive informative session on the Education Department General Administrative Regulations and learn how it applies to your IDEA programs.