National Institute 2018

T3 | Making Your District More Inclusive Through Technology and Website Accessibility (Room Senators Lecture Hall)

24 Apr 18
10:15 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Digital Learning Solutions, Technology, Technology

Federal laws support technology use as a means of enhancing instruction and learning. What’s more, school websites have become a primary means of sharing information with students, parents, and the community about what’s happening. Thus, your school’s website — and the technologies your teams use — need to be accessible to students with disabilities to comply with Section 504 and ADA requirements. This includes student data information platforms, classroom devices, software applications used for teaching and student work completion, and email and document sharing systems. In this session, attorney Teri Engler will highlight key legal issues in, and practical strategies for, making district technology and websites accessible to students and other individuals with disabilities.