OiL Chef™ is a major industry disruptor, restaurants saving 50% on frying oil, deep fried food gets healthier..

OiL Chef™is revolutionizing the frying oil and energy industry! Professional kitchen operators are doubling their fryer oil life, saving 50% on fryer oil purchases annually!

OiL Chef™ helps fry foods quicker, improving food texture, flavor, color and reducing the oil content of food(thus lowering calorie content -healthier fried food!)(cleaner labels)by simply adding a small device to their existing deep fryers. Zero Flavor Transfers.!

This eco-friendly technology significantly reduces your carbon footprint and the award-winning technology behind the OiL Chef™device is the only FDA approved solution of its kind approved for sale in the USA.

Join the tens of thousands of satisfied clients who are reducing costs, improving food quality and food profits, contact OiL Chef™today for your free consultation. #EcoFriendlyChef