2017 Internet Retailer Conference & Expo

Revolutionary marketing measurement with Polytab Attribution helps mid-sized merchants get clarity and direction on their strategy

Polytab Attribution, a marketing measurement solution for ecommerce, catalog and brick and mortar retailers, started out as a consumer tracking platform. It has grown to deliver the deepest insights on what drives consumer shopping behavior across channels and media. Using innovative data sourcing processes and machine learning based analytics, Polytab is able to present retailers like Saatva Mattress, VillageHatShop.com and Jomashop with unprecedented insights on what levers influence sales. Merchants improve marketing budget capacity and also cut back on low performing channels. Polytab is priced on a volume-based model making it the attribution technology of choice for retailers of all size.

The client favorite Polytab Attribution packages are:

  • Display view-through attribution
  • Cross-device linkage
  • Call center sales attribution
  • TV and print media attribution
  • In-store sales attribution
  • Data API access

Some of the feedback from Polytab clients:

"We get access to information we never had before" - Data scientist with Fixtures company

"Most innovative product I saw at IRCE (2016)" - Marketing director with online jewellery retailer

"The only alternative to Google 360 for mid-sized companies" - Owner of apparel retailer