Indian Gaming 2017 Tradeshow and Conference


Marianne S. Waldrop

Marianne S. Waldrop
Leadership Consultant

A graduate of the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, upon graduation, she was commissioned as a Marine Corps second lieutenant. Mid-career, Marianne was selected to attend Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, where she would earn a Master of Science in Computer Science. Throughout her career, she led hundreds of Marines in a variety of environments; however, the most challenging were those leadership assignments while deployed in support of four combat operations in Saudi Arabia, Africa, and Iraq. Marianne’s military career spanned over 24 years, serving from 1987-2011, when she retired in San Diego, California. Upon her retirement in 2011, Marianne attended the University of San Diego and earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Leadership Studies in May, 2016. Her research investigated formative experiences and factors influencing highly successful women military leaders. In over a two year period, with a generous research grant from the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation, Marianne ultimately completed her dissertation entitled: Understanding Women Leaders in a Male-Dominated Profession: A Study of the United States Marine Corps’ Women Generals.

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