2018 RFID Journal Live


Exhibitors (6)

AIM is an industry Alliance that represents any organization that uses, implements, resells, or develops technology around barcode, RFID or mobilit... More...

BlueCats and PLUS Location Systems work together to provide innovative location-based solutions that enable organizations to manage the relationshi... More...

Bluebird is an enterprise solution provider chosen by global companies and government agencies acrorss the world. With a wide range of portfolio pr... More...

 Laxcen,  with 20 years’ experience, is committed to IOT, Industrial 4.0, high quality RFID products, R&D, manufacturing and service, with Ningbo a... More...

RFRain LLC is an inventory and asset management company with a complete end-to-end hardware and software solution. RFRain collects data received fr... More...

Printronix Auto ID is a leader in enterprise RFID thermal printing and barcode validation solutions. Utilizing their exclusive Printronix System Ar... More...