2019 Pittsburgh AISTech


Booth 2436

Saddle Brook, NJ  
      United States

Unilux inspection systems help processing mills to reduce waste and maintain a reputation for the highest quality. Edge Tech remote coil edge inspection will be on display, as well as new LED stroboscopic surface inspection lights used by leading metal producers worldwide. 

Edge Tech shows trimmed edge quality in real time. Operators can use this information to adjust knife settings or quickly schedule knife replacement to minimize saw tooth, burrs or the need for re-trimming.  

New inspection strobes are better than ever for quickly identifying surface defects. LED2000 Series strobes improve safety, eliminate maintenance and reduce energy consumption. They feature Smart Assist controls to simplify setup and allow for advanced techniques like Cross Light Inspection to show twice as many surface defects at ful production speed. See Cross Light Inspection in action at https://strobe.unilux.com/cross/.

Product Categories

- Digitalization Applications
- Electrical Applications
- Maintenance & Reliability
- Metallurgy - Processing, Product & Applications
- Metallurgy - Steelmaking & Casting
- Project & Construction Management