2018 I/ITSEC - 9250


Booth 323

Rockford, IL  
      United States

Clinkenbeard specializes in physically immersive training devices at a fraction of the cost of real hardware.  Our approach blends hi-fidelity physical devices with mixed immersive media.  High fidelity and robust mechanical mockups provide personnel with optimized training experiences that mimic real world scenarios.  Job Performance Aids (JPA’s) provide easy and rapid understanding of specific procedures, before and during performance on physical mockups; and provide instant recall of those procedures in the field.  Together with physical mockups, these visual enhancements enable users to read, see, hear, and perform each procedure, with focus on comprehension, retention, and drive to action to quickly and accurately perform any procedure the first time.  We combine 50 years’ experience with advanced manufacturing processes to engineer, design, and build training simulators in-house.

Product Categories

- Aerospace Simulation & Training
- Manufacturing
- Physical Training Equipment
- Training Products
- Vehicle Trainers
- Weapon Systems Trainers & Equipment