Fresh Summit 2018


Booth 1348

Montreal, QC  


Greenhouse vegetable growers can streamline business operations and cut costs using the latest AI technology to better FORECAST HARVEST YIELDS and PREVENT THE ONSET OF CROP DISEASES.

We provide you with a crystal ball that enables you to see the future of your greenhouse operations. You can now automate harvest estimates and obtain yield forecasts twice more accurate than the methods you use today and know if your crops are at risk for whitefly or clavibacter pests. Better plan marketing, labor and operations by knowing the accurate amount of vegetables you will produce weeks in advance. Large greenhouse clients in Europe and California save $0.50/kg using our technology and so should you! Our technology requires no significant changes to your greenhouse or the need to purchase computer equipment.

Product Categories

- AI Technology
- Computer Systems/Software
- Pathogen Detection
- Precision Ag