CPNA 2017

Sophie la girafe Cosmetics 

Booth DB 19

Los Angeles, CA  
      United States

Since 1961, developed in France, Sophie la girafe has been THE prestige book and toy line.  It is now available in more than 75 countries.  Sophie la girafe Cosmetics is an European manufactured, Eco-cert organic line of skincare for babies and their mummies that lives up to the heritage and quality of the book and toys.  Using the  highest quality ingredients that are the gentlest for newborn skin, Sophie la girafe offers a short range of every baby's necessities.  Great for toddlers and chilren of all ages, the line has lotion, washes, oil and face and diaper creams.  Somehow it has made its way in to backstage at London Fashion week as an amazing facial oil!    Recently launched in the US and UK, Sophie is a staple of celebrities and discerning parents who want the cleanest and safest skincare for their babies.