2016 WOCN® Society & CAET Joint Conference

Seating Matters 

Booth 820

Mississauga, ON  

SEATING MATTERS ARE CHANGING THE WORLD OF HEALTHCARE SEATING.  They have designed the world's only clinically trialled seating range for those with postural and pressure management needs. A world leader in education and research in the field of clinical seating.

For years Martina Tierney OT experienced the challenges faced by carers every day and was unable to find seating solutions that catered for the holistic needs of her patients.  Together with Martina and a team of clinicians, engineers and designers, Seating Matters have created a world leading range of clinical therapeutic seating to improve comfort and quality of life for those in healthcare environments such as hospitals and care facilities.

Seating Matters chairs are the first and only chairs backed by comprehensive clinical evidence.  As they recognised the effect of seating on people’s wellbeing and quality of life they partnered with the Ulster University to carry out independent research to provide evidence to support our beliefs.  The staggering results have proven what we already believe, that the correct use of specialised seating can lead to:

• 88.3% reduction in pressure ulcer incidence

• Increased functional ability

• Improved posture and a reduction in the development of postural deformities or sliding/falling from the chair

• Improvement in respiration, elimination, digestion and other physiological functions

• Improved quality of life and psychological wellbeing

• Improved communication and interaction

• Improved comfort and reduction in pain levels

• A significant reduction in expenditure on staff labour and treatment of pressure ulcers

Martina Tierney is also the author of The Clinician’s Seating Handbook which is used around the world to teach students, clinicians and care givers on seating provision.  Martina and the Seating Matters team carry out regular Education Workshops, Lunch & Learns and present our latest research at conferences worldwide to pass this knowledge on so as to influence best practice and improve patient’s lives.

To discover more about Seating Matters or request our free resources visit www.seatingmatters.com

Product Categories

Ostomy Care

Wound Care