2016 Cosmoprof North America


Booth 39400

Branchburg, NJ  
      United States

When Hair Care becomes an Art form…

Since its conception in 1968, Coiffance Professionnel has been manufacturing in the Town of Ville (Alsace), France.  Our idea has always been to strive to create the best Professionnel Hair Care Products for the Salon Professionals available in the Market.  The Reseach & Development Team works on a daily basis to uphold the standards to create, develop, manufacture and package all our hair care products.We must closely monitor all our hair care products from start to finish to insure that the highest quality of ingredients and properties for the products has been achieved. 

Excelling throughout Europe and being known in France as the “Coiffance Professionnel House.” Gives us the guarantor status of using all our French expertise for the advancement to expand outward in today’s hair care development with Coiffance Professionnel Products.  

Driven to be inspired by nature that surrounds us, all our hair care products are custom made with the uttermost precious plant extracts from a variety of different plants, flowers, fruit and oils.

Conceived to be a very personalized ritual for salon professionals to perform, our luxury hair care is completely focused on perfect formulation which has extremely rich benefactors’ properties with one goal in mind:  creating remarkable hair.

Our highly inspirational and totally committed Educational Design Team works alongside many creative hairdressers.  Our Artistic Director, Raphael Perrier has lead the Coiffance Professionnel Artistic Team since 2015. Creating an Artist Design Team like no other in the world to leading the way into the future of the hairdressers of tomorrow.  

Coiffance Professionnel has everything to offer for the salon professional and their business.