NADA 2019

Turbo Liner, Inc. 

Turbo Liner Spray In Bed Liners Presents The Boss 6/6K Spray System!!!!!

The Boss 6/6K Air Driven spray system is back to the basics system that uses common electronics just like the machines of the past. This is a really good thing because if or when there is an issue with the electronics of the machine you can generally source those parts locally. This reduces any possible down time greatly. It maintains better pressures then most other systems on the market. Better pressures yield a better Turbo LIner Bed Liner. The Boss 6/6K System would normally retail for about $25,000.00 with all the items that it comes with. At the show we are offering the Boss 6/6K system for $18,500.00 this is an extremely great value at that price.

The Boss 6/6K systems comes with all the basics to get you going: 50ft main hose and 2ft whip, Probler P2 spray gun, IPM supply pumps and hoses,  masking supplies, sanding supplies, safety equipment, onsite setup as well a 1 Free set of Turbo Liner 11 Bed Liner material. Thats 100 gallons of pure profit. 

Once again this is a $25,000.00 Value for $18,500.00 

How would you like to increase your front end gross by $350.00 per unit?

How would you like to increase your annual profit by $1,000,000.00 or more each year?

Stop by our booth #7453W so we can tell you how these goals can be achieved.