Asphalt Anchors Corp. 

Booth 665

West Orange, NJ  
      United States

Asphalt Anchors Corp. (AAC) manufacturers and markets specialty anchors for mounting to asphalt under the BoltHold tradename.   Our anchors are installed flush to the surface, with an internal thread allowing the attachement (and removal) of the structures to the anchors.  The anchors are supplied with a hexhead bolt and a 1'" washer.

The Challenge of Anchoring to Asphalt:  Asphalt is fine gravel held together with oily pitch (“Bitumen”). Unlike concrete, asphalt will yield to forces over time. For this reason, the common expansion anchors (which are used on concrete) can not be used for fastening to asphalt. Expansion anchors rely on applying force on the walls in which they are embedded, to create friction, resisting the anchors' pullout.  Any expansion anchor in asphalt will loosen in days and will fail. 

The Easy Solution... BoltHold Anchors: Our specially designed asphalt anchors overcome the asphalt’s weakness in two ways - they are unusually long, and they bond with a hard grout that fills the crevices in the asphalt and the gravel below it, to distribute the forces over a large area. 

Many Options:  Boldhold anchors are available as SP10 (1,500 lb rating), SP12 (2,000 lb) and SP18 (2,500lb).  Rating are for 2" asphalt thickness; rating are substantially higher for thicker asphalt.  Standard anchor material is steel with Zinc plating.  Optional Dacromet coating. SP10 is available in all-stainless.

How to Install: 

  1. Drill a 1" hole, as deep as the anchor is long

  2. Fill the hole with grout or epoxy

  3. Push the BoltHold anchor all the way until it is flush with the asphalt

  4. Wait for the grout to cure (15 minutes typical)

  5. Remove the bolt and washer

  6. Place the structure over the anchors and secure to the anchor using the bolt and washer