Asia Power Week 2017


Booth S23

Rayong, Rayong  

As long as Lubrication related problem is eliminated or minimized, the plant personnel can narrow    their  focus on few category of problem and giving them extra time to think of improvement rather than day to  day problem solving on a random and repeat machinery failure.

Long Win Thai with full support by EPT and Hy-Pro Filtration Company provide the Right Solution to improve machinery reliability, and reduce cost of ownership of rotating machinery. We apply the industry leader best practice by implement proven technology, safe and dependable services to your asset.

We has developed several innovations in the testing and filtering of turbo machinery lubricants and EHC fluids. We works with power plants to identify areas of risk and implement solutions that significantly improve operating reliability and save millions of dollars.

Product Categories

Combustion Turbine/Combined Cycle
- Filtration Equipment
- Lube oil filters

- Filters

- Lube Oil Services
- Lube-Oil Systems
- Oil Conditioning Equipment

Used Power Plants
- Gas Turbines