ASPE 2016

Environmental Products & Services LLC 

Booth 802

Plattsburgh, NY  
      United States

The GreaseShield product range represents innovative engineering solutions to the problems of FOGs delivering:-

Functionality – The products deliver an effluent FOG discharge strength of < 100 ppm. Tests carried out over a period of some 3 years in various FSEs  have shown an average effluent strength of 42 ppm.  Even more impressive results have been recorded when testing the effluent from convection and combi-steam ovens used for cooking chickens and pork.

Cost Savings – Operational costs associated with pumping greasetraps and kitchen downtime are avoided as are civil engineering costs associated with installation of passive traps and indeed the costs associated with drain blockages, including jetting expenses and the need to excavate soak ways and remediation of contaminated soil.  Noncompliance costs and fines can be eliminated.

Revenue Generation – Harvesting renewable energy resources in the form of high calorific FOGs presents the potential for converting negative value wastes into a valuable income stream.

Protection of the Environment - Safeguard drainage systems and water courses whilst eliminating operational problems and saving money.

Product Categories

- Grease oil and solids interceptors
- Traps
- Water treatment