Asian Attractions Expo 2017


Booth L742

Arcugnano, VI  

We design and manufacture automation for every type of amusement ride both for national and international customers. More than 13.000 rides implemented and installed over the last forty years are the most concrete proof of our unmatched experience in this field. We are also the designer of Unixon, a system which manages and controls the maintenance and safety in amusement parks due to its direct communication with the rides.

Contact us for a free demonstration!

我们设计、编程和生产用于各种游乐设备的自动系统。八十年代初以来,本公司在世界上的各个地区已安装成功的游乐设备自动化超过一万三千套,而它在游乐行业上已积累的经验和知识,从自动化的初步设计到现场安装与测试,不仅使其成为游乐设备制造商和游乐园的最佳的伙伴,还使其成为游乐设备自动化的生产、翻新和维护的专家。 此外,本公司也发明并开发成功了专用于游乐园的最创新的产品之一,统星。统星是专业游乐园的安全和维护管理的系统,整套系统集与资产有关的维护、操作、库存、资本化、成本管理于一体,以实行预防性维护,优化各个设备的性能,加强游乐园的安全。 想观看示范吗?随时联系我们!

Product Categories

Computer Systems/Software
- Software

- Engineering
- Ride Testing/Inspection

Facility & Grounds
- Maintenance/Electrical Equipment