Summer Fancy Food Show 2017

Asplund Co., Ltd. 

Booth 119B

Minato-Ku, Tokyo  

We are an exciting importer of natural and organic foods, representing more than 20 brands all over the world.

Our mission is to search for healthy products and to bring joy to people's lives through our carefully selected brands.

Our company has a somewhat unique history. We first started our business 25 years ago by selling furniture and kitchenware and helping people organize their lives. Then five years ago, as an extension to that, we launched our food business and have developed many great brands in Japan.   

Our strong passion for quality brands has contributed to our success today. We still find it exciting to show people how great natural organic food really is.

Now we want to spread information about the greatness and health benefits of Japanese food. 

Product Categories

- Gluten-Free
- Organic/Natural
- Vegetarian