2018 I/ITSEC - 9250

Aries Security 

Booth 2277

Wilmington, DE  
      United States

Aries Security is the developer of the unique portable cyber training simulator “Capture The Packet (CTP).  CTP was originally developed for and still used as a Black Badge event at DEFCON.  In 2016, DOD contracted Aries to modify CTP for use as a cyber training system to assess, develop, and maintain key cyber skills.  Now deployed and used by the US Army, US Navy, US Coast Guard, and US DHS.  CTP offers a gamified environment to provide hands-on learning through targeted challenges for all levels of expertise.  CTP includes 14 built-in learning categories to develop over 70 critical cyber skills. 

Product Categories

- Cyber
- Homeland Security Simulation & Training
- Physical Training Equipment
- Simulation Software
- Tactics Trainers