Summer Fancy Food Show 2018

Maungo Craft 

Booth 4965A


Come taste a piece of Africa!

Maungo Craft is a company from Botswana which makes 5 X Award-Winning, Gourmet Craft Jams and Marmalades. What sets us apart from others is that we make Healthy, Sugar-deprived jams and marmalades using Indigenous fruits from Botswana and then pairing them with contemporary flavours, creating unique flavour profiles like no other.  We create a healthy alternative jam and marmalade spread for our customers. 


JUNE 2017

Position no. 1, Winners of the Food Processing Sector: Youth Business Expo, Botswana


National Winners of the Creative Business Cup Botswana. We represented Botswana in Copenhagen in November 2017.


Maungo Craft made the Front Cover of September issue of Botswana Investor Magazine, a prominent business magazine.


Position no.1, Agri-Products Manufacturer of the year 2017: Botswana Farming Awards.

MARCH 2018

Represented Botswana at The World Marmalade Awards (Commonwealth Category) in Cumbria, UK. Think the Oscars of Marmalade! We were shortlisted in the Top 7 and were awarded a GOLD.

See the Judge's comments below: 

"Child of the Moon Marmalade, and Kalahari Sands Marmalade, both by Maungo Craft Jams: Rare and exceptional ingredients, with baobab fruit, sandpaper raisins, marula fruit and liquorice root used in the preserves provide an exciting burst of extra flavour, and with another Botswana speciality there are flecks of real gold through the marmalade made with locally grown citrus fruit. Truly remarkable.

JUNE 2018

Awarded Bronze, Food Processing Sector: Youth Business Expo, Botswana

We see ourselves as artisans who love creating and giving clients novel and flavoursome experiences...Simply put...we put culture in a bottle!

Dessert Jam/Marmalade Uses:

So MANY creative ways: plain yoghurt, smoothies, ice-cream topping, toast, porridge, baking, salad dressing (just pour olive oil, and chop in some parsley), cocktails, champagne. Let your imagination run wild.

Savoury Jams Uses:

Add unique undertones to your food. Marinate your sticky wings, ribs, use it as a dip, salad dressing. Cheese and crackers, hors d'oeuvre's, salads, pasta dishes, omelettes, pizza toppings.

We look forward to connecting with you!

Come swing past our booth #4965 for a culinary experience :)

Product Categories

- Chutney/Relish
- Other Condiments

- Organic/Natural
- Vegetarian

Spreads & Syrups
- Dessert Toppings
- Jams
- Other Spreads & Syrups
- Preserves