2018 I/ITSEC - 9250

Oshkosh Specialty Vehicles 

Booth 507

Clearwater, FL  
      United States

Oshkosh Specialty Vehicles manufactures custom mobile trailers, vehicles, and shelters for flight crew and driver trainers.  The high quality products we provide are relocatable and allow our customers to bring the training to the troops.  Recent deliveries include MV-22 Shelters, CH-47 Shelters, UH-72 Trailers, CH-53 Shelters, BAT Shelters, NCM-3 Trailers, MCAT Shelters, and VCTS Trailers.  ISO 9001:2015 Certified. 

Product Categories

- Aircrew Trainers
- Flight Simulation & Training
- Manufacturing
- Vehicle Trainers