Winter Fancy Food Show 2018

Ats Pecorino Romano - Pecorino Sardo - Fiore Sardo 

Booth 3832

Macomer (NU), Italy   

3 Pecorini includes Pecorino Sardo, Pecorino Romano and Fiore Sardo, cheeses with a Protected Designation of Origin label that certifies the highest quality guaranteed by their territory of origin. They are produced with 100% sheep’s milk from sheep that are raised freely in very specific regions of Italy, following ancient traditions that shepherds continue to adhere to still today. The production of Sardinian P.D.O. cheese is the result of an unspoiled land, a long-standing dairy culture, and the work of a wise team of men. And of sheep. The term “PECORINI” in Italian means cheese made from sheep’s milk.

Product Categories

- Cheese