2018 I/ITSEC - 9250

Davidson Technologies Inc.  

Booth 457

Huntsville, AL  
      United States

Distinguished in the aerospace and missile defense industry, Davidson Technologies has developed an outstanding reputation for excellence. When founded in 1996, Dr. Julian Davidson, known as the Father of Missile Defense, dedicated his company to provide high quality engineering and technical services to defense and aerospace customers. His extensive experience with government and industry helped mold his business philosophy into one which has made Davidson Technologies a premier company that attracts and retains quality professionals and noted experts with extensive technical knowledge.

After Dr. Davidson's death in 2013, Dorothy Davidson stepped in to run the company, using her business acumen and engineering background, continued in her husband's legacy. Mrs. Davidson has overseen growth in both Colorado Springs, CO and Huntsville, AL and furthered expansion into DTI's four pillars of industry, Missiles, Aerospace, Cyber, and Intelligence. Davidson Technologies continues to grow and remains a dedicated leader in the defense and space industries.

Product Categories

- Applied Systems Engineering
- Cyber
- Research & Development
- Simulation Software
- STEM (Science, Technology, Education, Mathematics)