2017 I/ITSEC - 8250


Booth 1158

Denver, CO  
      United States

Two companies deliver military-grade disaster constructive modeling and simulation capabilities from Applied Training Solutions, LLC's Emergency and Disaster Management Simulator (EDMSIM).  Nusura, Inc's SimulationDeck brings internatinally-recognized social media simulation.  These solutions are now available to all military, civilian, nongovernmental and commercial entities under a new Department of Defense (DOD) contracting vehicle via USNORTHERN Command.  The two technologies make disaster and crisis training exercises more realistic, engaging and effective. Any defense organization, commercial entity, or local, state or federal agency can now access leading constructive modeling and simulation capabilities for exercises – EDMSIM and SimulationDeck – individually or as a bundled package

Product Categories

- Consultancy/Project Management
- Cyber
- Disaster Relief/Planning Simulations
- Distributed Simulation and Learning
- Homeland Security Simulation & Training
- LVC (Live, Virtual, Constructive)
- Simulation Software
- Staffing/Logistics Support