2020 ATA Trade Show


Booth H22

Medina, OH  
      United States

MISSION:Our aim is to provide to the shooting and hunting public, a sight for all seasons. One that can range the target, provide a video of  that targetet object and shoot the impossible shots. Can be used on any shooting device.  We welcome all to try and believe what this amazing sight/rangefinder can do. see us in Booth #352  and shooting lane #20 at the one and only ATA SHOW:::::

FOR THE PRESS: We at Lil Bow Peep would like to introduce the future in sight Acquisition. We call it OMEGA. The Newest and most innovative sight on the market. We have integrated a Rangefinder with camera lens which projects the targeted Image onto an LCD screen for viewing the targeted object. To this, add a an adjustable MilDot Reticle and there within you have the most fantastic sight to emerge on the shooting scene since Redfield gave us the scope, from which derived the quote "A weapon is only as accurate as its sight". Conventional aiming is literally (out the window). Fits any shooting device which will accept a scope, ie: Comnpound Bow, Cross Bow, Shotgun, Blackpowder, Rifle and yes even a Pistol. Expect to hit the Bullseye from any position. Add now video capabilities. Nothing else needed but a target.

Product Categories

- Sights