2019 ATA Trade Show

Shur Kill Targets LLC 

Booth IZ-3

Medford, OR  
      United States

Shur Kill Targets is premiering its newest series of big game hunting simulation targets for Bowhunters. Shur Kill's approach to true-to-life hunting simulation targets is far different than your ordinary paper target. Their team has spent countless hours of research, consulted the anatomical experts, and has ultimately come up with a Bowhunter series of individual big game animal targets, 18"X24" that accurately represent a game animal's primary and secondary kill-zones in a variety of angles and challenging positions a hunter will naturally encounter in the field.

And the innovation doesn't stop there.  Shur Kill Targets also includes a Maximum Performance Simulation Training (MPST) system in each one of their target kits, along with an accompanying score card specifically designed for each angled big game target.  What this means is that each time a shooter practices shooting with a Shur Kill hunting simulation target or target series, they have the option to score themselves as they shoot, and when they are finished with a shooting session, the MPST rating system will score their overall hunter performance.  

Product Categories

- Target Faces