2016 ATA Trade Show


Booth IZ-14

Sherwood, AR  
      United States

“The best way to attract bucks guaranteed!”

“I realized quickly on,  hunters have no control over mother nature. As much as we would love to control the temperature, snow, rain, or wind; we can’t. But you can use it to your advantage with Thermoscent™! The Thermoscent™ pack includes a membrane that protects it from the snow, rain, and sun. It allows you to be able to use this cover scent tool longer and get more life out of it. It is also kept hot. Heat changes everything!  The renewable heat source in the pack heats the pack and brings it to the natural state of the animals core temperature. Heat helps spread a more potent scent and appears more natural to the animals. The more natural a product can mimic nature, the more effective. Since these pouches are available in different colors, Thermoscent™ pouches can also be used as range markers. This it the best cover scent tool available on the market to attract bucks guaranteed!”

ThermoScent™ is Patent Pending and Trade Marked


Product Categories

- Concealment
- Scent/Lures/Scent Elimination