Everything Under the Sun Expo 2016

DAB Pumps Inc 

Booth 133

Ladson, SC  
      United States

There is one name in the motor-driven pump sector synonymous with high quality, innovation, and reliability worldwide for more than 40 years. This name is DAB.  DAB PUMPS Inc. is an Italian manufacturer committed to providing high quality solutions for a vast range of applications in harsh environments across the globe.  DAB manufactures high quality motors, pumps, and electronics gained through development under brand names such as DAB, Leader, Tesla, Alma, and WACS technologies. 

Industries include:  Ground Water, Irrigation, HVAC, Lawn & Garden, Hyrdoponics, Pond, Pool & Spa, and Industrial Manufacturing.  DAB has locations across the Globe in Russia, South Africa, Poland, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, the U.S. & more.  

Our pumps are produced with state-of-the-art materials that improve their ability to resist internal & external stresses that ensures their high performance, quality & durability over the long term.  DAB pumps are the result of continuous research and technological innovation directed towards offering flexible, easy-to-use solutions for every type of application. 

DAB #133 The E.Swim water-cooled VS pump. Ciao



Product Categories

- Fountains
- Pumps
- Waterfalls